remedial massage near devonport

Need a MASSAGE ?

Research shows that regular massage therapy has a profound and lasting impact on the body and mind, even helping individuals recover from the trauma of events like 9/11. Studies have shown that massage therapy provided more long-lasting benefits compared to coaching, counseling, or traditional therapy when it came to healing from such deep emotional and[…]

What Swollen Ankles Reveal About Your Well-being …

These symptoms of swelling and extra fluid pooling in the tissues around your feet and ankles point to circulation issues. The worst-case scenario is that it could lead to clots or a cardiac event. Heart and cardiovascular issues are usually preceded by a decline in kidney function, or stress building up in your kidneys. So,[…]

How can you fix heartburn and tummy problems?

First, did you know the term ‘acid reflux’ is very misleading? Doctors named it the wrong thing many years ago and the label ‘acid reflux’ stuck. Basically, you get reflux (not acid reflux) when you don’t have enough stomach acid to keep your stomach environment sterile. Yeast and other nasties begin to grow in your[…]

The Risky Business of Being a Woman …

In many places the life expectancy for women is about 5 to 8 years longer than for men. So are women the lucky winners in the game of life? Or did they draw the short straw? Crippling auto-immune conditions like Thyroid disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS, MS, Alzheimer’s, PCOS, Pelvic Inflammatory Disorder, Anxiety, Depression and Lupus[…]

Kick pain in the butt with magnesium …

In Australia, during the period of 2022–23, 335.8 million prescriptions were provided to 17.8 million patients (67% of people), and most of these were for pain relief. This means that millions of Australians put up with pain every day. We also know that the most popular over the counter seller is Panadol (paracetamol) which doesn’t[…]

Change your diet and transform your child …

Pete and I have recently noticed a growing number of children coming in for diagnostic sessions. With the holiday season fast approaching—bringing school holidays, Christmas cheer, and the fresh start of a new year—this feels like the perfect time for a gentle reminder. Parents often bring their children to us for a variety of reasons.[…]

The Hidden Secret to Lasting Health: Enzymes

Did you know that the health of your digestive system is the cornerstone of your overall well-being? If your digestive system isn’t functioning properly, your body isn’t able to break down food into the nutrients it needs to thrive. The key to unlocking vibrant health lies in one word: enzymes. Enzymes are the body’s unsung[…]

12 Everyday Habits for a Healthier, Happier You…

At the Purple House Wellness Centre, Peter and I are all about helping you unlock your body’s potential to heal, thrive, and live abundantly.  Here are 12 crucial habits we’ve adopted—and in the video above we explain why you might want to consider them too: 1. Say Goodbye to the Microwave We ditched the microwave in[…]

The Missing Pieces of Health …

Have you ever had debilitating tummy issues? Meet Gina, my 19-year-old client, who was grappling with perplexing health issues. She’d been experiencing pain and discomfort after nearly every meal, to the extent that her parents believed she had an eating disorder. However, Gina was convinced that she had to be incredibly cautious with her food[…]

How ignoring your instincts could kill you.

A few years ago we adopted Millie and Mildred. The two ducks waddled around inseparably, each mimicking the other. If one quacks the other quacks. Once, a light aircraft flew directly overhead. We heard the drone of the engine approaching. The quacking intensified and then stopped. I couldn’t help laughing as I watched the two[…]