Discover the power of reflexology

Every family in Australia has been affected by chronic pain or disease; cancer, depression, PTSD, Epilepsy, ALS, Alzheimers, Crohns, Anxiety, Diabetes, Addictions, Autoimmune diseases and the list goes on. The numbers don’t lie. Someone you know will either get cancer, suffer from chronic pain, memory loss, depression, injury or one of the hundreds of terrible[…]

Feeling like something is wrong but tests say you’re healthy?

Can you relate to this? You know deep down that something isn’t working, you are not feeling right, but the medical tests show that nothing is wrong? This article is from Pete’s desk……. “I haven’t been feeling “‘right’ for a while now” my client Sally admitted to me. “OK, let’s get into it. It’s been[…]

Shining the Spotlight on Elijah!

Elijah is our little warrior. Imagine having inflammation between your brain and skull, resulting in meningitis, once a week on average all your life. Imagine the suffering. The inflammation caused high-frequency hearing loss, and Elijah is very lucky that he hasn’t gone completely deaf and blind. Elijah, our twelve-year-old grandson, is very lucky to be[…]