Did you know you can start growing a new body in as little as 7 days? Yep, within one week you begin to see and feel the difference. That’s if you stay off sugars, processed foods and high starch carbohydrates, and start having more good fats in your diet, like John did. John came to[…]
Do you feel overlooked, overworked and underpaid? It could be your stomach! You might have been popping antacid tablets without a second thought … But, did you know that these seemingly harmless pills might be doing you more harm than good? While antacids provide you with temporary relief from pain, burning or acid reflux, they[…]
Did you know we are living at a tipping point regarding our health? It affects every part of life, from physical well-being to mental, emotional, and spiritual health.. The statistics are out and it is clear something very dark is going on Let’s take a look at some of the facts: A staggering 74% of Americans are[…]
Do you want to clear up your illness, pain or allergies the natural way? The best time to turn your life around is TODAY and you need to start with your DIGESTION. Why? Your digestion is literally the root system of the body. Think for a moment…. How well could a tree grow if you[…]
Today, we’re going to talk about something truly amazing, and that is the potential to extend our lives just as easily as fixing our hair with hair extensions. Yes, you heard me right! We’re diving into the world of longevity and how we can improve our chances of living a long, healthy life. Let’s start[…]
Did you know that in today’s world, children are facing more health challenges than ever recorded in history? I recently had a seven-year-old client who exemplified this issue. ‘Johnie” constantly argued, making it challenging for his mother to leave him alone with his siblings even for a few minutes. His disruptive behaviour at school, including[…]
In today’s blog post, I break down the 4 steps you need to take to achieve abundant energy, clarity…..and shrink the risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Why am I mentioning Alzheimer’s? Because its most likely going to be part of your future… Unless you take steps today to remain healthy and vibrant. Did you know[…]
Good health is like air. We take it completely for granted until we run out of breath. Imagine you are drowning in the ocean. All you can think about is how to get air into your lungs. Nothing is more important. If you are lucky to survive, you will probably never take life for[…]
Have you sometimes wondered how you could unlock a fresh flow of energy and vitality? You know you are capable of so much more, but you can’t seem to shift out of ‘exhaustion gear’ into top speed as you used to do? The secret of unlocking fresh energy lies with your liver. This vital organ is a[…]
I might have the answer. You could be lacking in enzymes! Keep on reading because enzymes are a game changer. You might have heard of vitamins and minerals and how important they are. But has anyone told you that enzymes are the supporters of life? Without these supporters of life your health (including mental health)[…]
You’ve probably heard the buzz about Vitamin D—it’s often hailed as the “sunshine vitamin” and promoted as a miracle cure for everything from weak bones to a sluggish immune system. Everyone is jumping on the Vitamin D bandwagon, pushing us to consume it in pills or fortified foods to ward off all kinds of ailments.[…]
My client had driven for three hours for her session at the Purple House. By the time she arrived I had to hold her arm, she was so unsteady on her feet. She hadn’t been able to sit, stand or lie down in any position without pain for over a year. Her medical records revealed[…]
These could be signs that your lymphatic system is crying out for help. The lymphatic system is like the drainage system of your body, responsible for removing toxins, waste, and excess fluids. When it becomes congested, your body may react with symptoms like swollen ankles, sore and swollen hands and feet, cold limbs, bloating, chronic[…]
Have you ever had a moment of supermarket-induced amnesia when you can’t remember where you parked your car? You are not alone; it happens to the best of us! It could be sign of early Alzheimer’s or Dementia, or it could simply mean that you are too stressed, overwhelmed and need a mini holiday! All[…]
Question: If you want to get healthy and lose weight you should skip breakfast! True or False? Let’s find out. Until the 1800s most breakfasts were leftovers from dinner. By the late 1900s the Industrial Revolution took people off farms and into factories. People were moving less, and those heavy leftovers caused indigestion. So, the[…]
More than one million Australian children live with a parent who has depression, putting those children directly at risk of developing depression and anxiety themselves. Parenting is probably the most demanding ‘job’ in the world, and the challenges have only intensified during the last few years. As the world moves beyond the pandemic, parents are[…]
“I feel so tired and ill. And nothing I do is making me better. What is wrong with me?” I have heard this same complaint in my practice a thousand times over, and no wonder… Have a look at these frightening statistics from the Centre of Disease Control: Chronic disease is continuing to increase and[…]
Are you feeling bloated, sluggish, or out of sorts after indulging in the lead-up to Christmas and especially on Christmas Day? You’re not alone—many of us feel the effects of holiday treats and feasts. Tired of being weighed down by toxins, sluggishness, skin issues, and lingering discomfort? It’s time to revitalize your body’s natural detox[…]
Breaking medical news for guys 35 and over. The REAL REASON you’ve been struggling with flabby belly, man boobs and low libido! “What the heck is going on with my body!” I hear you say. It can be quite a shock to the system to notice your body changing in ways you don’t like! If[…]
20+ signs of worm trouble We see a lot of people who are dealing with a health issue and they’ve tried everything and nothing is improving. Do you feel like that sometimes? You have gotten to the point to where you feel like you are just stuck…. Maybe, you feel as if you are just[…]