As the year 2022 draws to a close I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for being in our community, each one of you inspires me!

Back in 1999 when we opened the Purple House we saw a huge need for holistic medicine.

23 years ago, there was a big divide between mainstream medicine and ‘natural therapies’.

Not only that, the ‘energy’ or ‘matrix’ we lived in was a lot stickier or denser.

Changes or transformation happened slower and took a lot more effort.

Today, I am grateful that many things have changed.

The universe is upgrading itself constantly.

It may not look like it when you watch the news, but from a healer’s perspective, things have definitely evolved!

Energy shifts happen so quickly and easy now.

Today, the average person who doesn’t understand energy medicine from a bar of soap can often feel the flow of energy during their first session with me.

23 years ago, only clairvoyants or psychics had that level of sensitivity.

I believe the veil is getting thinner. (The veil between us and the invisible world)

This is a two-edged sword, because you always get what you focus on, only now you receive it faster, so you have to be so much more aware and careful of what/how you are thinking.

And slowly but surely, there is more cooperation between mainstream medicine and natural therapies.

Pete and I get referrals from medical professionals these days and doctors come for healing sessions because they feel the benefit.

I am privileged to have been in the industry for long enough to participate in these massively positive changes.

It’s like a dream come true.

But I have had another longstanding dream that every family has its own healer, a wisdom bearer, someone that people can turn to for answers.

A person that can hold space and provide a safe container for the good, bad and ugly that shows up in their family or community.

Where are those people today?

The elderly of today are not necessary Elders in the true sense of the word.

I see many middle aged and elderly people whose spirit hasn’t woken up yet, because they have never questioned life, practiced introspection, or forged a personal connection with the Universe.

I get it that not everyone is interested in personal and spiritual development and that people just want to be comfortable.

But the truth is that the Universe is banging on our doors, looking for you, or people like you, who can hold up that role, so that families and communities really begin to thrive from the inside out.

Because when you think of our society, where is the connective tissue gone?

Where is the extended safety net?

Where are the stories and recipes, the family secrets, grandmother’s remedies, great grandmother’s superstitions, the 120-year-old sourdough batches, the Sunday roasts, the tales around the campfires, the honey mead cultures that are passed on from one generation to the next?

While our living standards have gone through the roof over the last hundred years, we have also lost a sense of who we are, how and where we belong, and the importance of our presence in the Universe right at this moment, in our location.

  • What is the legacy that you are leaving behind?
  • How are you enriching the world with your gifts and talents? (Because you have plenty of those!)

I have been chipping away at this dream and am putting together a series of workshops that I plan to conduct in the middle of 2023 for those of you who want to become an accomplished healer, peacemaker or wise woman/man.

I am going to show you the nuts and bolts of energy medicine and teach you the practices that helped me recover from my truck accident in 2006 after being left with catastrophic injuries.

I have broken down how I did this into 25 powerful energy medicine practices, where you learn to feel and interpret the energy of the body so you can amplify the flow and begin to heal at the deepest level of your psyche.

The other components will take you for a deep dive into how our Universe works, because you don’t learn that at school or University.

With this new information and tools you will be able to find you rightful place in the scheme of things and become a master of your own destiny, and help others make a true comeback.

(If this “mentorship” resonates with you, please express your interest by reply email. More details to come in the new year. This will be level 1 of the mentorship)

This year we opened our beautiful forest and mazes up for functions and celebrations and created a new website – Purple House Forest Estate.

Please check it out if you are looking for a magical experience, whether it’s your wedding, elopement, special birthday, end of life celebration, or dinner under the stars. 

The pictures are AMAZING and the 5 acres feel as if they have been plucked out of a fairy tale scene.

We are planning a maze event in January 2023, with music, explorations through the forest and mazes, and delicious food and drinks supplied by our own Alchemy food van. (Watch this spot for details)

Yes, we have done a full circle!

Instead of Alchemy Café, we now have a mobile Alchemy kitchen, which was hugely popular at the Forth 150-year Festival in December.

Alchemy Catering is available for catering at selected functions, so if you are looking for something like this, give us a call on 0428283007.

Our Alchemy website is being worked on as we speak, and I will share more about this in 2023.

We are excited about incorporating the entire property/mother nature in our business ventures.  

Back in May, I announced that I would only see clients by phone or over Zoom.

This gave me time to sink in and slow down, rest, take a breath, start writing my new program, and give my second and third book the attention they needed.

My second book: The Underbelly came out in October.

If You are the Miracle, how being hit by a truck saved my life, was an initiation into rebirthing my body, The Underbelly documents another deep dark night of the soul, where I was pummelled, shattered, and completely cracked open.

I can now see that this was the only way for my old programming to be dissolved, so I could emerge as my own person.

Alchemy of Love, my third book will be available in the new year, and this book represents is my final come back story, with recipes for life, and inspirational stories of my family, grandkids and clients.

If you are looking for a meaningful and inspiring gift for the holidays I am offering a special Christmas book deal:

Get both paperback novels “You Are the Miracle” and “The Underbelly” for the price of one.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer and get both books for the price of one but only at Purple House Wellness Centre or online via our website.

Our client work has been humming away steadily, with Pete and me working side by side every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

From the start of 2023 onwards, I will be seeing new and old clients in my treatment room again, so this is exciting news for those of you who have been waiting to see me in person!

I am so grateful to all of you who have stayed with us through thick and thin!

Wherever you are in this glorious messy human journey that is called life, I am wishing you a peaceful, fulfilling and uplifting 2023!

If we haven’t met yet, I do hope we meet somewhere along the way, whether it’s during a healing session, in our shop, during one of our events, or perhaps we can help you celebrate one of your special days!

Much love,

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