80 to 90% of people experience lower back pain at some point during their life.

Is this you?

Have you ever endured sciatica?

Then you know what I am talking about.

True sciatica is a referred pain down the sciatic nerve, down the leg.

It can show up as pain behind the knee, lower back, front of the leg, the back of the leg and pain in your feet.

It is suggested that most sciatic pain is caused by the piriformis syndrome and this has certainly been true for our clients.

a tight piriformis muscle (shown in red) can compress the sciatic nerve, causing pain

At one point of Peter’s life, sciatica was almost his bread and butter.

He developed a specific routine that he applied to free his clients from pain and to realign their structure, so the piriformis would stay relaxed instead of chomping down on the sciatic nerve.

You know how busy Pete gets with Complete Health Analysis testing these days, but sciatica is still one of his pet projects, so if you have chronic pain please come and see Peter.

All physical pain also has a huge emotional stress component to it.

Read on further as we show you what you can do to free up the issues in your tissues, so you feel flexible and energetic.

It is called EFT or tapping on specific energy points, or acupressure points, to easily get rid of pain and stress.

Below are some links to great sites for you to check out!



You can also download an EFT app for your phone for pain, anxiety and overwhelm, so definitely check out these great tools.

When it comes to back pain, hydration is the biggest pain killer.

Make sure you have your liter of water per 30kg of bodyweight, with 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan Salt added to every liter of water.

Second to that, you need maximum amounts of magnesium and minerals which you can buy; by clicking on the links below:

You can also try the following additional supplements –

And first and foremost, stop suffering and start feeling great by booking in for a complete overhaul, either physical or mental with Pete.

Click here to book an appointment online with Peter OR talk to Leica and Ashleigh on 64283007.

They will listen to you and help you figure out what you need.

Your to great health,

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