Did you know you can start growing a new body in as little as 7 days?

Yep, within one week you begin to see and feel the difference.

That’s if you stay off sugars, processed foods and high starch carbohydrates, and start having more good fats in your diet, like John did.

John came to our facilities because he suffered from brain fog.

He couldn’t remember as clearly as he used to..

Perhaps you can relate to that?

His wife claimed that his fuse was getting shorter, along with his attention span.

At age 59 he was at risk of Alzheimer’s or at least some sort of cognitive decline.

  • Did you know that 1 in 10 of people in Australia over 65 are at risk of Alzheimer disease?
  • Or that 7 out of 10 people with dementia have Alzheimer’s?
  • And nearly 2/3 of Australians with dementia are women?

In 2022, dementia was the leading death for women and the second leading cause for men after coronary heart disease, accounting for nearly 10% of all deaths.

So, it’s highly likely that you know somebody with Alzheimer’s or dementia and that you want to prevent it from happening to you or your loved ones.

These statistics are quite shocking.

However, your amazing body will have a go at reversing any disease!

It may not always seem like it…

But, your body is constantly working towards perfect health.

Still, there is a catch.

You can’t grow a new brain without taking notice of the gut or checking out your heart and arteries.

When Pete ran the Biomedx tests, during a Complete Health Analysis, he found that John had fatty liver, even though he doesn’t drink alcohol.

It was due to him eating too much grain and fruit.

He also had high levels of Candida, which causes brain fog.

His Cortisol levels were way off the charts too.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that kills off neurons in your brain.

Pete asked him how much water he drank:

Plenty! John reckoned.

But the tests showed that he was only 30% hydrated or 70% dehydrated!

Now, when you understand our brain is basically a bag of fat and water, you can see how dehydration would muddle your thinking and put a lot of stress on the body.

Pete told John what we tell all our clients: to drink 1 litre of water per 30kg of bodyweight.

This meant that John had to drink 3.5 litres of water per day.

Each litre needs ¼ of a teaspoon of Himalayan Salt to normalize your mineral levels.

Nearly every person we test in Tasmania is mineral deficient and that is according to the Government’s website.

John also went home with the Ultimate Vitality Boost which was going to take good care of him.

Within a week he started to think clearer.

His wife reported that he became so much more relaxed and capable of handling stress.

This was after only one week!

  • But, it’s actually not surprising when you know that you have a new liver every 2 to 3 month.
    • Your bones are all replaced every 2 years.
    • Your lungs are new every 4 weeks.
    • Your skin every 2 to 4 weeks.
    • Your stomach lining can be new every 5 minutes. At least some parts of your stomach are.
    • Your intestines have changed all their cells every 3 days.

So, why do we age?

One reason we age is that we make fewer and fewer enzymes after we turn 25.

Enzymes are like a fountain of youth.

That’s why enzymes are an important part of the Ultimate Vitality Boost and we recommend enzymes to most people.

Children are full of enzymes, so if you want to feel young again, give your body the enzymes it needs from a good supplement or from freshly fermented foods, which are another rich reliable source of enzymes.

The truth is that you just can’t get them from your food anymore.

Our foods are nutrient deprived.

In the US, the rich and educated live on average 10 years longer and healthier than their poorer counterparts.

They spend over 30 billion per year on supplements.

But, it doesn’t have to cost you much at all to feel better than the average person your age…

Pete and I feel so much younger and fitter than many people half our age.

We supplement with Iodine, Beetflow, Enzymes and Immuno-Synbiotic every day.

We, also, have tons of magnesium orally, in tablet form, on our skin in the form of magnesium oil and in Epsom Salt baths.

We don’t eat very much because we eat high fat/low carb, but we do eat Love Your Guts Sauerkraut or kimchi every day.

This saves us having to scrounge for organic vegetables, because Sauerkraut is very filling and 1000X more nutritious.

It is alive, teeming with a huge variety of probiotics and enzymes.

Our lifestyle doesn’t cost us any more than the average person, in fact it probably costs us less.

To detox your brain and body, choose either the Ultimate Vitality Boost, and modify your diet to a low carb high fat or go for the Purple House Breakfast Smoothie for a rejuvenating jumpstart.

Within a week, you’ll witness your moods improve, energy soar, and old problems fade away as your body replaces tired cells with vibrant new ones.

This smoothie is a gem for those fighting inflammation too.

Ready to get started?

Download the free eBook and conveniently shop online for the products you need to embark on your journey to a renewed you.

As you explore, remember to grab all our other free eBooks – because a healthier, more vibrant life is just a click away.

Call us on 03 6428 3007 (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) to discuss your problems with our friendly receptionists or to make an appointment!

Alternatively, click here to visit our website to book online, order supplements, read our past blogs OR download our e-books.

To your health and vitality!

Cheers to feeling fantastic at any age.


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