Did you know our human bodies are nothing more than a glorified tube?

We pour food in one end, waste material comes out the other end, and lots of stuff happens in between.

Around our inner tube or our gastro-intestinal tract, a whole lot of organs are suspended, like our liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and so on and they do all the work.

Or do they?

Let’s have a closer look inside this tube that starts with our mouth and finishes with our anus.

Anus is not a rude word by the way, because your anus is the most intelligent muscle in your body!  

Unlike your mouth, it knows exactly when to open and when to stay shut.

Imagine what would happen if your anus didn’t wake up one morning?

You would have to stay close to the toilet all day and that would be the end of your life as you knew it.

Between your mouth and your anus is a surprisingly long tube, around 10 metres long.

If you were to cut it open and iron out all the wrinkles and kinks and completely flatten it, it would have a surface area of a tennis court, about 200 square meters.

Inside your tube millions of critters live happily together, munching away on food and waste, sorting through the good and the bad and producing energy.

There are trillions of bacteria in your body; many more than there are stars in our Milky Way Galaxy.

Go outside on a clear night, have a look at the millions of stars in the sky and you get a sense of appreciation for your internal universe.

It is mindboggling to think that all these years you have walked around with a complete universe hidden inside your body and you didn’t know anything about it!

Yes, even your personality depends on the rise and fall of your good bacteria.  

In fact, your personality depends more on your microbes than on your ancestors, where you got your DNA from….it takes only 23000 genes to make a human being whereas your microbes carry over 3 million different genes.

So, when it comes to being an expression of our genetic material, what is it that we exactly express?

If ancestral material only makes up 5% of our human being as scientist are starting to discover, we can’t blame our parents or grandparents for much can we?

We can only blame them for 5% of all our problems.

That means that we are largely free to create our own life.

By looking after and creating healthy levels of good bacteria we can free ourselves from the shackles of our ancestors’ bad genes and create a new reality of health and happiness.

Now let’s get back to Einstein.

Did you know that his wife Mileva was equally as clever as Einstein?

However, she didn’t receive any accolades.

While Einstein was pondering over the laws of relativity, Mileva was at home washing his kids’ smelly nappies.

Over the years Albert became more and more loveless and unyielding, denying her even the slightest bit of affection.

My guess is that he lacked good gut bacteria and enzymes.

Enzymes are needed to digest foods and to neutralize toxins.

Together they help create a happy personality.

When Peter and I discovered enzymes early on in our career, and started taking them on a regular basis, our whole family benefited.

I noticed a real change in Peter.

He suddenly became a lot more chilled out, even though he still had a house full of kids and teenagers, worked shift work as a nurse, managed a growing business and had a (nagging) wife.

Despite the pressures of these middle years he became a mellow, philosophical, and emotionally resilient version of himself.

Our gut bacteria love fermented foods and one single bacterium in our gut can produce 460 different enzymes to turn foodstuff into energy.

Compare that to the 98 enzymes we humans produce by ourselves! 

It is easy to see that we would be lost like Einstein without the help of our friendly microbes.

Every time we eat, they eat, and when they thrive, we thrive.

When we thrive, our relationships become enriched too.

Fermented foods have been around since the dawn of humanity.

These are what gave our forebears immunity against diseases and helped them to stay alive.

Food fermenting disappeared with the advent of fridges, freezers, food preservatives and supermarkets.

This is when humans got lazy.

The downside of convenience foods is that our immune system has never been as sickly as today.

Our hospitals are overflowing and there aren’t enough nurses or doctors to look after the sick.

Never have we needed enzymes and probiotics/fermented foods like today.

Our inner ecosystem is constantly challenged by antibiotics, chronic stress, birth control drugs and our high sugar/carbohydrate diet.

Did you know that each person produces about 5 ton of faecal matter during his/her lifetime?

Instead of feeling ashamed we should be proud of our personal compost pile!

How well is your digestion working for you?

The proof is in your poo!

What is yours saying about you? 

  • Consistency

If your stool is like soft serve or worse, like diarrhoea, it could be a reaction to gluten, fructose or dairy.

Eliminate these foods from your diet and support your digestion with Enzymes.

It should clean off easily.

Poo that sticks to the toilet or your bottom indicates an abundance of toxins in the body and you desperately need fermented foods, at least one tablespoon per day.

Your stool should have a uniform texture.

If there are undigested food particles it means you need a lot more good bacteria to help break down your foods.

  • Shape

Your wastes should be formed into one long shape and not a bunch of smaller pieces.

Narrow, ribbon like or pencil shaped stools can mean that the bowel is partly blocked.

If it persists, you need to have your bowels looked at.

A normal bowel motion is about 5 cm in diameter and up to 30 cm long.

  • Colour

The colour should be medium brown.

If it is pale, it means your bile isn’t flowing properly.

It might be too sticky, like gravy.

If you have pain and pale stools you may need to get it checked out because you could have a problem with your pancreas.

If you take anti-acids with your meals your stool may also become white, and you will become mineral deficient and starved of nutrients.

Rather than antacids, you could try Apple Cider Vinegar or spoonful of cultured foods to boost your stomach acid levels.

If the colour is black, you may have intestinal bleeding and if it persists this requires a visit to your GP.

  • Sink or Float

Your stool should sink slowly.

If it floats that means that you are not assimilating your fats and oils and you might become Vitamin A, C, D and E deficient.

These vitamins are fat-soluble.

  • Smell

If your stool stinks above and beyond what is normal your good bacteria are being overwhelmed by bad bacteria.

Increase your intake of fermented foods and take probiotics.

  • Gas

It is perfectly normal to have gas.

It means that our trillions of gut microbes are hard at work.

They say that 99% of gas is odourless and that we pass gas around 14 times per day.

This is where it an intelligent anus comes in handy!

  • Effort

Having a bowel motion should be as easy as urinating or passing gas.

If it is hard work something isn’t right.

Increasing your good bacteria will soften your stool and increase your mucous production so your stool slides out easily.

  • Frequency

Ideally we empty our bowel every time after consuming a meal.

However, anywhere from once a day to once every 3 days is normal.

Again, the answer is to restore good levels of gut bacteria and nature will take care of the rest.

I would’ve loved the opportunity to have a peep at Einstein’s pooh for clues about his relationship problems.

While he was an absolute genius in the area of physics, philosophy of science, he had the emotional IQ of a Neanderthal.  

After 11 years of marriage he issued Mileva with a list of highly unreasonable demands, which included serving him 3 meals per day in his office, keeping his room tidy, doing his washing, and refraining from talking to him.

She had to 100% take care of the children.

She could expect nothing in return, other than her keep.

In the meantime, it was public knowledge that Albert was dallying around with other women.

Five years later he granted Mileva a divorce and he married his next wife.

His life didn’t improve during his second marriage and within four years he was involved with the niece of one of his friends, who happened to be his secretary.  

And, so it continued.

It was quoted that ‘his conquest of general relativity proved easier than finding the formula for the forces swirling within his family’.

It has been rumoured that Einstein may have been on the Autism spectrum, or at least had a form of Aspergers.

People with Autism often suffer from food sensitivities and improve greatly when they supplement with enzymes.

Did you know that after Einstein died his brain was stolen?

It was measured, poked, prodded and preserved against his wishes.

Then it was chopped up into 240 pieces and hidden in a basement.  

Perhaps the thief dissected the wrong body part!

Maybe he would have found clearer evidence to uncover what underpinned Einstein’s intelligence inside his gut?

Our brains consume 25% of energy created at any given time, even though it only takes up 2% of body weight.

I am wondering how much more Einstein would have been capable of if he had eaten fermented food/ drinks and extra enzymes.

For us to be happy and empowered we must learn to love ourselves first and that means loving our microbes.

The bottom line is that we are only as happy as our microbes!

If they are not satisfied, we are not going to find any satisfaction anywhere else.

To tip the balance of good and bad bacteria in your favour is consume a table spoon of sauerkraut or kimchi daily.

Make sure it is organic, alive and unpasteurized like our locally crafted Love Your Guts fermented products.

Boost your healthy digestion with regular Beetflow and enzymes like Omnizyme, Digestizyme, Devigest, or Syntol.

A great probiotic to support your beneficial bacteria is Immuno-Synbiotic Restore.

To have a look under the bonnet of your car, book in for a session with Pete here.

Alternatively, call us on 03 6428 3007 – Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thurday!

I hope you enjoyed my little study into Einstein’s life as much as I did!

Yours to great health,


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