These symptoms of swelling and extra fluid pooling in the tissues around your feet and ankles point to circulation issues.

The worst-case scenario is that it could lead to clots or a cardiac event.

Heart and cardiovascular issues are usually preceded by a decline in kidney function, or stress building up in your kidneys.

So, let me go all the way back to the start of the problem.

Often fluid retention is caused by dehydration or lack of water and minerals.

You need adequate minerals to carry the water into the cells of your body and people on a low salt, low water diet suffer a double whammy of stress on their kidneys and heart.


  • YOU might be different and already drink plenty of water;
  • YOU might have even followed dietary changes recommended by a doctor or dietician;
  • YOU might be on water pills (diuretics); and yet you STILL suffer from persistent puffiness AND paying the price for it, because most prescribed solutions come with a long list of side effects, like dry cough, diarrhoea or constipation, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, light headedness…

Our client Laura had struggled with extremely swollen feet and legs for over a year before she contacted us.

Her right side was often worse than the left and when you have swelling on the right side of your body, this often denotes low potassium levels.

Thankfully, after several treatments at the Purple House, and taking supplements we recommended for her, she noticed a huge difference.

“It was nothing short of a miracle!” she told us.

Swelling and puffiness is not something you should overlook.

It’s actually an early warning sign telling you that your kidneys and lymphatic system are overworked and underpaid.

Swelling is caused by poor proteins digestion, which leads to undigested proteins in the blood, that then spills over into the lymphatic system and it draws the water in.

Here is what we suggest for you:

1. Introduce enzymes in your diet.

Swelling and puffiness usually occurs after we turn forty, which coincides with a reduction in enzyme production of the body.

Have a good all-round enzyme like Omnizyme or Digestizyme with every meal, to help break down proteins.

2. The liver needs to get rid of the wastes.

So, help your liver with Beetflow, otherwise the toxins spill over into the lymphatic system creating swelling or fluid retention.

3. Have extra Magnesium to support all your systems, and magnesium is great for keeping you regular.

If you get constipated toxic wastes from the large intestine are reabsorbed into the body, leading to toxic overload.

4. Cut out high starch carbs.

Begin with cutting out carbs after 4 pm, and this will give your body a chance to clean up wastes from your tissues.

5. Eventually, once you are used to having fewer carbs you can switch over to a low carb high fat diet.

Good fats, burn very clean, they give you high energy and leave behind very little waste product in the body, so they reduce inflammation and swelling.

6. Make sure you have ¼ of a teaspoon of Himalayan Salt for every 30 kg of body weight, along with one liter of water for every 30 kg of body weight.

7. Last but not least, begin every day with 2 glasses of filtered water.

This will give your kidneys a head start to the day.

Book yourself in for a Full Health Audit / Complete Health Analysis with Pete to have a really good look under the bonnet of your car!

Most prescribed solutions come with a long list of side effects, like dry cough, diarhoea or constipation, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, light headedness…

Fortunately we can help you!

We can determine the root cause of any swelling in the body and recommend specific supplements and dietary changes that have ZERO side effects and the go right to the root of the problem.

A stitch in time saves nine, and this applies to your body as well.

If you experience swelling, fluid retention or puffiness, it is time to find the root cause, so you can do something about it before it is too late.

Talk to us on 03 64283007 we are open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 AM to 5 PM.

Alternatively, click here to order products online OR to book a session online.

If you found this article helpful, please share with your friends and loved ones.

We are here to help you.

With love,

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