From stiff & sore to supple!
Does this sound familiar to you?
- Low back pain,
- Hip soreness or stiffness,
- Trouble sleeping,
- Pain during movement,
- Shortness of breath,
- Weight gain,
- Sexual dysfunction,
- Constant stress and overwhelm.
At times, these baffling problems affect nearly everybody, no matter how active or sedentary, or how old or young you are.
It affects not only your body but your whole well-being.
I am talking about tight hip flexors.
You see, our hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves.
They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step.
Everything goes through the hips.
It is the only muscle that connects the upper body and lower body, also known as the mighty psoas muscle
Your psoas…
… stabilizes your trunk and spine during movement and sitting.
… allows you to bend your hips and legs towards your chest.
… supports your internal organs.
… is connected to your diaphragm which allows you to walk and breathe.
If your psoas is constantly tight, it signals to the body that you are locked in permanent danger, which causes your adrenal glands to become overworked.
When this happens your immune system suffers and your body switches to fat-storing mode in anticipation of surviving the crisis.
Can’t shift those extra kilos?
Blame your hips, or more precisely your psoas, your survival muscle.
This muscle instantly tightens in moments of danger, to either protect you, (in the foetal position) or to help you run away, fuelled by the release of adrenalin.
Sitting all day doesn’t help either, it causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position.
This causes pulling on the lower back and lessens blood flow through the hips and the reproductive organs.
This can result in complications like lack of sexual performance or impotence.
So a tense psoas muscle can make you weaker, sorer, fatter and kill your sex life!
Does it go away by itself?
Usually not….
But we can help!
Pete suffered from terrible hip and lower back pain in his forties.
He was told by the orthopedic surgeon that his pain would only go away after a hip replacement, and that he was too young for that.
He would have to stay in pain for another five years or so.
Thankfully, we discovered how to release the pain and restriction from Pete’s hips, and Pete has helped thousands of clients since then.
Clients come in with sciatica, sore lower backs and hips, stiffness and restrictions, feeling old and tired, and they walk out as new.
Pete has his own special technique that allows the structure of the pelvis to correct itself so both legs are the same length again, and the hips are balanced.
The psoas muscle is back where it belongs and your nervous system feels calm and relaxed.
You are able to bounce back easier when life throws you a few curveballs.
Usually one session of Pete’s structural alignment is enough to get you out of pain.
Click here to book your session with him.
However, we recommend that you have 3 sessions, EG. once a week for three weeks to have lasting relief from pain, and to keep you on the straight and narrow.
This session takes 60 minutes and you can wear comfortable clothing, and stay fully dressed during the session.
You can also have a combination deep tissue back massage combined with Pete’s core structural alignment treatment.
So, if you want to banish your pain, go through life with increased flexibility, stand straighter, feel lighter, get rid of frozen shoulders, hips, wrists or other joints and improve your mobility and feel happy and refreshed book in with him today.
Simply select ‘remedial massage’ from the online menu on our website, OR click here; alternatively you can call us on 03 6428 3007.
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