Website User Guide

Adding and Managing Products

Managing Customer Orders

Viewing Sales Reports

Setting Up Categories and Product Tags


Adding and Managing Products

Adding a Simple Product video – 6min

Adding a Simple Product – Step by Step

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Products > Add Product. You then have a familiar interface and should immediately feel at home.
  2. Enter a product Title and Description.
WooCommerce Add Product - Familiar Interface
A familiar interface for adding product information
  1. Go to the Product Data panel, and select downloadable (digital) or virtual (service) if applicable. Note: Virtual products don’t require shipping — an order with virtual products won’t calculate shipping costs.

Product data

The Product Data meta box is where the majority of important data is added for your products.

WooCommerce Simple Product - General Tab
Product data is added in this panel

General section

  • SKU – Stock keep unit (SKU) tracks products. Must be unique and should be formatted so it does not match any post IDs. For example, post IDs are numbers so a SKU could be WS01. That could stand for WooShirt 01.
  • Price
    • Regular Price – Item’s normal/regular price.
    • Sale Price – Item’s discounted price that can then be scheduled for certain date ranges.

Inventory section

The inventory section allows you to manage stock for the product individually and define whether to allow back orders and more. If stock management is disabled from the settings page, only the ‘Manage stock?’ option is visible.

WooCommerce Simple Product - Inventory Tab

Ticking the Sold Individually checkbox limits the product to one per order.

Shipping section

  • Weight – Weight of the item.
  • Dimensions – Length, width and height for the item.
  • Shipping Class – Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar products.

Linked Products section

Using up-sells and cross-sells, you can cross promote your products. They can be added by searching for a particular product and selecting the product from the dropdown list:

WooCommerce Simple Product - Linked Products Tab

After adding, they are listed in the input field:

WooCommerce Simple Product - Linked Product Added

Up-sells are displayed on the product details page. These are products that you may wish to encourage users to upgrade, based on the product they are currently viewing. For example, if the user is viewing the coffee product listing page, you may want to display tea kettles on that same page as an up-sell.

WooCommerce Product Up-Sells

Cross-sells are products that are displayed with the cart and related to the user’s cart contents. As an example, if the user adds a Nintendo DS to their cart, you may want to suggest they purchase a spare stylus when they arrive at the cart page.

Grouping – Used to make a product part of a grouped product. More info below at: Grouped Products.

Attributes section

On the Attributes tab, you can assign details to a product. You will see a select box containing global attribute sets you created (e.g., platform). More at: Managing Product Categories, Tags and Attributes.

Once you have chosen an attribute from the select box, click add and apply the terms attached to that attribute (e.g., Nintendo DS) to the product. You can hide the attribute on the frontend by leaving the Visible checkbox unticked.

Custom attributes can also be applied by choosing Custom product attribute from the select box. These are added at the product level and won’t be available in layered navigation or other products.

Advanced section

  • Purchase note – Enter an optional note to send the customer after they purchase the product.
  • Menu order – Custom ordering position for this item.
  • Enable Reviews – Enable/Disable customers reviews for this item.


Add a short product description. This typically appears next to product imagery on the listing page, and the long description appears in the Product Description tab.


On the right-hand side of the Add New Product panel, there are product categories in which you can place your product, similar to a standard WordPress post. You can also assign product tags in the same way.

WooCommerce Product Categories and Tags

Product images

You can add a main image and a gallery of images. More at: Adding product image and galleries.

Setting catalog visibility and feature status

In the Publish panel, you can set catalog visibility for your product.

WooCommerce Product Visibility Options

  • Catalog and search – Visible everywhere, shop pages, category pages and search results.
  • Catalog – Visible in shop pages and category pages, but not search results.
  • Search – Visible in search results, but not in the shop page or category pages.
  • Hidden – Only visible on the single product page – not on any other pages.

Managing Customer Orders

Managing Orders

Orders are created when a customer completes the checkout process, and they are visible by Admin and Shop Manager users only. Each order is given a unique Order ID.

An order also has a Status. Order statuses let you know how far along the order is, starting with Pending and ending with Complete. The following order statuses are used:

  • Pending payment – Order received (unpaid)
  • Failed – Payment failed or was declined (unpaid). Note that this status may not show immediately and instead show as Pending until verified (i.e., PayPal)
  • Processing – Payment received and stock has been reduced – the order is awaiting fulfillment. All product orders require processing, except those that are Digital and Downloadable.
  • Completed – Order fulfilled and complete – requires no further action
  • On-Hold – Awaiting payment – stock is reduced, but you need to confirm payment
  • Cancelled – Cancelled by an admin or the customer – no further action required (Cancelled orders do not reduce stock by default)
  • Refunded – Refunded by an admin – no further action required

More about the different emails that are automatically sent at Email Settings.

Viewing orders

WooCommerce-Order-OverviewWhen you start taking orders, the order management page begins to fill up. View these orders by going to WooCommerce > Orders in the left hand admin menu.

Each order row displays useful details, such as the customer address, email, telephone number, and the order status. Click the order number or the View Order button to see the single order page (this is also where to edit order details and update the status).

WooCommerce Order Quick ActionsOrder rows also have handy shortcut buttons to quickly mark orders Complete and Processing.

Filter WooCommerce Orders

You can filter the list of displayed orders by date, status and customer by using the form at the top of the screen.

Editing/viewing single orders

From the single order page not only can you view all order data, but also edit and update it.

  • Change the order status
  • Edit order items – modify the product, prices, and taxes
  • Stock – Reduce and restore stock for an order
  • Order Actions – Resend order emails to the customer using the drop down menu above the Save Order button. Send New Order, Processing Order, Completed Order or Customer Invoice emails – very handy if manually creating an order for your customers
  • Modify product Meta to edit product variations by removing and adding meta.

Order Data

The order data panel lets you modify the order status, view (or change) the customer’s order note, and change which user the order is assigned to.

You can also find customer billing and shipping addresses, along with a link to view other purchases the customer may have had in the past. To edit addresses, click ‘edit’ and a form appears. Once saved, the new address is displayed in a localized format.

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Order Items

Note: To edit the order, the status must be set to On Hold or Pending Payment.

The next panel on the order page is the Order Items panel. It lists items in the order, quantities and prices.

Screen Shot on 2015-02-06 at 14-48-53

The editable parts of line items include:

  • Tax Class – Tax class for the line. This may be adjusted if, for example, the customer is tax exempt.
  • Quantity – Number of items the user is purchasing
  • Line Subtotal – Line price and line tax before pre-tax discounts
  • Line Total – Line price and line tax after pre-tax discounts
  • Add Meta – Add and remove meta to change product variable options.
  • Sorting – Sort by Item, Cost, Quantity, and Total by clicking on the respective listed items.

It’s also possible to add additional fees for items. Select Add Fee and enter fee name, tax status and amount:


To add custom meta fields, use the Custom Fields metabox:


Order Totals

Order Totals stores totals and tax for the order. Enter these values yourself or have them partially calculated for you using the ‘calc totals‘ button. Totals comprise:

  • Cart Discount – pre-tax discounts. Can be auto-calculated.
  • Order Discount – post-tax discounts. Need to be input manually.
  • Shipping cost – cost excluding tax
  • Shipping method – name of the method
  • Cart tax
  • Shipping tax
  • Order total
  • Payment method – name of the payment method used

There are two buttons available on this panel – calc taxes and calc totals. Calculating taxes will use your prices, and calculate tax based on the customer’s shipping address. If the customer’s address has not been input, it defaults to the store’s base location.

There is also a section called tax rows, which is where to define and name multiple tax rows. This is useful if, for example, you charge multiple taxes or use compound taxes. Values are displayed on the customer invoice.

Adding an order manually

Add an order using Add New at the top of the Orders page. Once added you can input customer details, add line items, and calculate totals. Set a relevant status for the new order, e.g., If it needs to be paid, use ‘Pending’. Save.

Use the Order Actions dropdown to email the Customer Invoice with payment instructions. To send, select Save Order.
WooCommerce Order Actions

Order/Customer Notes

The Order Notes panel displays notes attached to the order and can be used for storing event details, such as payment results or reducing stock levels, or adding notes to the order for customers to view. Some payment gateways also add notes for debugging.


Notes can be a powerful tool for communicating with customers. Need to add a tracking number for shipping? Is stock delayed? Add a customer note and they are automatically notified.

Order notes example

The following note types are possible:

  • Purple: system status notices, such as payment gateway details
  • Grey: general status updates, such as status changes or private notes. Customers do not see these notes, but may receive notification of them – for example, when the status changes from processing to completed, an email may be sent (depending on your settings).
  • Blue: reflects notes to the customer. Customers receive notes via email, but can view them by viewing an order, or using the WooCommerce order tracking page.

Refunding Orders

Starting with WooCommerce 2.2+, it is now possible to issue refunds directly from WooCommerce if your payment gateway allows it.

For more information about Manual and Automatic Refunds, see WooCommerce Refunds.

Viewing Sales Reports

WooCommerce Reports


Reports in WooCommerce give you the ability to see your store’s performance from month to month using graphs and stats. It has three sections: Orders, Customers and Stock.


Orders reports allow you to view gross and net sales volume and totals, as well as top sellers, top freebies and top earners. Sub-sections are shown below.

WooCommerce Reports Overview

Note: By default, orders marked Processing, On Hold and Completed are counted as sales.

Sales by date

The orders tab starts with the sales by date section – this gives you an idea of the current performance via a sales graph and a few way ways to drill down into data as well. By year, last month, this month, last 7 days, and a custom date range.

The sales graph itself shows the amount of gross sales plotted on a light blue line, the net sales plotted in dark blue , the shipping amount plotted in green, refunds plotted in red, and coupon values redeemed in orange. Hovering over a point will give you the exact figure.

WooCommerce Reports - Sales by Date

Sales by product

The sales per product section shows sales per day in a given range, similarly to the overview section:

WooCommerce Reports - Sales by Product

You can select any product from your store to view sales data, and again drill down into by year, last month, this month, last 7 days, and custom.

WooCommerce Reports - Drill Down

Sales by category

Just as sales by product works, you can see the sales numbers by categories as well.

WooCommerce Reports - Sales by Category

Coupons by date

Again, similar to the previous sections, coupons by date. Showing the discounts in total, number of coupons used, and the ability to filter by coupon, see the most popular coupons, and ones giving the most discounts.

WooCommerce Coupons


The next tab you have is to view customer reports with Customers vs. Guests and Customer List options to further drill down into customer info again by year, last month, this month, last 7 days, and custom.

  • In Customers vs. Guests, customers are paying users who register on your website
  • By consequence, Customer List will only show registered users

WooCommerce Customers Report


Similar to the dashboard widget, stock reports list your low stock and out of stock items as well as the actual quantity left in stock.

WooCommerce Stock Reports

Export CSV

Screenshot 2015-03-24 10.47.03

Hidden from browsers without support for the ‘download’ property.


How do I reset the report?

Everything is reset if you delete prior sales orders and then go to the order “Trash” and permanently delete them. Because all sales graphs and sales logs are dynamically generated, you then need to clear your browser cache.

Setting up product categores and tags


Product categories

Product categories are the main way to group products with similar features. You can also add subcategories if wanted.

For example, if you sell clothing, you might have “t-shirts”, “hoodies”, and “pants” as categories.

How to add/edit product categories

Categories are managed from the Products > Categories screen.

Similar to categories on your posts in WordPress, you can add, delete, and edit your product categories here.

  • Add a Name.
  • Optionally, add a Slug; this is the URL-friendly version of the name.
  • Choose a Parent if this is a subcategory.
  • Optionally, give a Description; some themes display this.
  • Choose the Display type. Here, you decide what is shown on the category’s landing page. “Standard” will take your theme’s default. “Subcategories” will display only the subcategories. “Products” will only display products. “Both” will display subcategories and products below that.
  • Optionally, Upload/Add Image. Some theme will have pages where product category images are displayed, so this is a good idea.

Storefront by default displays product category images on the homepage template.

Categories can also be reordered by dragging and dropping – this order will be used by default on the front end whenever the categories are listed. This includes both widgets and the subcategory view on product pages.

When you add a new product through Products > Add Product, you’ll be able to select this new product category from the list.

Alternatively, you can go to Products > Add Product directly, and select Add New Product Category there.

The taxonomy is product_cat.

Product tags

What are product tags?

Product tags are another way to relate products to each other, next to product categories. Contrary to categories, there is no hierarchy in tags; so there are no “subtags”.

For example, if you sell clothing, and you have a lot of cat prints, you could make a tag for “cat”. Then, you could add that tag to your menu or sidebar so all those cat lovers can easily find all t-shirts, hoodies, and pants with cat prints.

How to add/edit product tags

Tags can be added similarly to adding product categories and work in exactly the same way as post tags. See the Codex for more information.

The taxonomy is product_tag.

Product attributes

What are product attributes?

A third, and very important way, to group products are attributes. There are two uses of this data type that are very relevant for WooCommerce:

  • One of the WooCommerce widgets, “WooCommerce Layered Nav”, works based attributes. If you add this widget to your sidebar, customers will be able to filter the products in your store based on the attribute. 
  • The second important use is variable products. In order to make a variable product, first an attribute must be defined for the product. Those attributes can then be used to make a distinction between the different variations. More info about variable products can be found here.

For example, if you’re selling clothing, two logical attributes will be “color” and “size”, so people can search across categories for a color that fits their style and type, and for clothing that is available in their size.

How to add/edit product attributes

Set global attributes

Go to Products > Attributes in order to add, edit and remove attributes.

Here you can quickly and easily add attributes and their terms.

  • Add a Name.
  • Optionally, add a Slug; this is the URL-friendly version of the name.
  • Enable Archives if wanted. If enabled, you will be able to view a page with all products in having this attribute. For example, if you have this enable, and “black” is one of the options under “color”, you can add to your menu to only display the black clothing – pa stands for “product attribute”.
  • Choose the Type. This is used in the products. If you want to have the same attribute values for your whole store, you can choose “Select”. On the individual product, you’ll be able to select the attributes. If you choose “Text”, you’ll be able to type new values to the attributes.
  • Choose the Default sort order. You can choose between “Name”, “Name (Numeric)”, “Term ID” or “Custom ordering” where you decide by dragging and dropping the terms in the list when configuring the terms (see below). “Name (Numeric)” is relevant if the values are numbers. If you select “Name”, it will sort it alphabetically with 1 and 10 preceding 2. If you select “Name (Numeric)” it will sort based on numerical value. 

Select Add Attribute.

The attribute will now be added in the table on the right, but without values.

Select the gear icon to add attribute values. You’ll see “Configure terms” when you hover over it.

Next, you’ll be able to Add New “Attribute name”, where “Attribute name” will automatically take the name you’ve given to the attribute in the previous step.

Add as many values as you want. If you’ve chosen “Custom ordering” for the attribute, reordering your values can be done here.

Add global attributes to product

Now, you can add the created attributes to your products.

Go to: Products > Add Product (or edit an existing one).

Then, select the Attributes tab in the Product Data. There you can choose any of the attributes that you’ve created in the dropdown menu.

Select Add.

If you’ve selected an attribute of the “Select” type, you’ll be able to add all terms you’ve added before.

If you’ve selected an attribute of Test type, you’ll be able to add terms separated with a pipe (“|”). These terms will be added to your global attributed once you’ve saved.

Add custom attributes

Alternatively, you can add an attribute you only want to use for 1 product. This would probably only be ideal if you have a product with unique variations.

Go directly to: Product > Add Product.

Select the Attributes tab.

There, choose Custom product attribute in the dropdown and follow the above steps.