Yaeyama Pacifica Chlorella
Yaeyama Pacifica Chlorella is nutritionally superior. Selected over 40 years ago and grown continuously with a patented ‘outdoor growing system’, delivering higher levels of chlorophyll, Chlorella Grown Factor (CGF), protein, RNA, DNA and antioxidants, making it measurably the world’s purest and most nutrient-rich Chlorella.
What is Chlorella?
Chlorella is an ancient single celled freshwater micro algae containing chlorophyll and many other useful phytonutrients. Thought to have had its genesis 2 billion years ago, chlorella is found naturally in freshwater rivers and waterways, but is now grown by aquaculture for human consumption.
Chlorella is unicellular which means each cell is self sufficient allowing it to perform all its functions inside itself. Each cell measures only 2.8 microns ( 1 micron = 1/1000th of a mm) about the size of a human red blood cell. Chlorella is so small that 1 litre of chlorella in a thin suspension contains over 20 billion cells.
Together with other photosynthetic micro-algae, Chlorella played an important role in converting the carbon dioxide rich atmoshere to oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Micro-algae are largely responsible for converting the Earth’s atmospheres 0.1% Oxygen, content to the 20% mix we have today, allowing all current organisms to thrive.
What are its health benefits
The most common use of Chlorella is as a nutritional supplement. As well as being rich in carotenoids and chlorophyll, Chlorella contains vitamin A, all the B’s, C and E, and unlike synthetic forms found in multi-vitamin supplements – in their natural form, and without having to worry about dosage. Vitamins are however just the start, Chlorella is packed with minerals including potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium contains around 55% complete balanced protein.
All this explains why Chlorella is THE No.1 selling health supplement in Japan. Unlike the nutrients found in synthetic vitamin preparations, the Vitamins and minerals in whole-foods such as Chlorella are bound to natural food complexes are readily recognised and absorbed by your body.
It is now well accepted that it is beneficial to decrease our intake of acidic foods – such as meat, dairy and sugar, and increase our intake of alkalising foods such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds & ……….Chlorella.