Have you ever had a health scare? A close call that came out of the blue, while you were doing your thing, staying in your lane, minding your own business? This happened to Pete on his way back from Ulverstone in the dark. He was on the highway, when another car dangerously veered into his[…]
Today, I want to share some vital information that could transform your experience of perimenopause and menopause. Women are twice as likely as men to have their health concerns dismissed by a GP and this becomes especially painful as we begin to navigate the choppy waters of menopause. Menopause marks the end of a woman’s[…]
Did you know that the term ‘acid reflux’ is completely misleading? Doctors named it the wrong thing many years ago and the label ‘acid reflux’ stuck. Basically, you get reflux (not acid reflux) when you don’t have enough stomach acid to keep your stomach environment sterile. Yeast and other nasties begin to grow in there and[…]
Have you ever been told that your symptoms are simply a result of stress or anxiety? This response is more common than you think ! Many patients face the frustration of being prescribed antidepressants when their physical complaints go unexplained. However, underlying conditions can lead to serious health consequences if left unaddressed. Research shows that diagnostic[…]
Story at a glance: Supplying healthy drinking water to our communities is one of the major challenges facing the modern world. Scores of chemical toxins pollute the environment. In the US alone there were over 6500 pesticides, herbicides and fungicides used in agriculture alone in the year 1998-99. The drinking water showed a score of[…]
From Peter’s Desk… Today, we’re diving deep into a critical topic: the dark link between chronic diseases such as Crohn’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS, Psoriasis, Scleroderma, IBS, Heart Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, and RSD. What do these conditions have in common? Pain and suffering. But more importantly, they all stem from chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is[…]
Did you know that water is the most crucial element for our health after air? Consistent hydration with adequate water is essential for our well-being. Dr. Batmanghelidj, an Iranian doctor imprisoned as a political prisoner during the Persian revolution, discovered the healing power of water and salt. While awaiting execution, he helped his fellow inmates[…]
The World Health organisation has come out saying that over 3.5 billion people are heavily infested with parasites in their bodies. From what Pete and I have seen, we can’t argue with that. Another scientific article claims that 85% of North Americans (who have much the same lifestyle as we have) suffer from parasites, yet[…]
Welcome back to Wellness Wednesday! Thanks for joining us. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to something that can revolutionize your health—the Enagic K8 Water Machine. We’re going to dive into the concept of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). You might wonder why this matters. Well, ORP is a measure used in agriculture and land care to[…]
Eilene came to me for help after she was diagnosed with fatty liver disease. This is what she said: I am very aware of fatty liver as this was my mother’s cause of death. Therefore, I am concerned about fatty liver disease as a hereditary factor and I do struggle with fatigue which the doctors[…]
Thanks for joining me on another Water Wellness Wednesday! Today, I’m down by the river, enjoying this beautiful autumn day. The sun’s warm, though it’s still a bit chilly. I’ve got the fire pit going, making it a perfect setting to chat about something truly amazing — hydrogen water and how it can revolutionize your[…]
Did you know that prostate issues are destroying the lives of many men today? Prostate issues often start off with a few small and innocent symptoms, e.g. difficulty starting to pass urine; OR your stream of urine fizzling out halfway… Sometimes this is followed by having to pass urine more frequently, which is especially annoying[…]
Welcome to Water Wellness Wednesday! Today, we’re diving into an eye-opening experiment that shows just how profoundly what we drink impacts our health. Specifically, I am highlighting the incredible benefits of the Enagic Medical Grade Water Ioniser and why making the switch to Electrolyzed Reduced Water could be one of the best decisions for your[…]
Everyone knows that water is the source of life. So why is something as simple as drinking more water not considered as an option, when it comes to treating or preventing disease? After all, every single cell of our body runs on water. Many people think dehydration is something that happens to tourists in the[…]
Ever feel like your stomach’s playing a game of roulette? One day it’s smooth sailing, the next it’s a rollercoaster of discomfort keeping you toilet bound or doubled up on the couch. If this resonates with you, (or a loved one) keep reading, because I am about to demystify your digestion woes, in a way[…]
Are you tired of feeling sluggish and low on energy? Do you want to take control of your health and well-being and wake up refreshed every morning? Let’s go all the way back to the most basic essential for life: water. Farmers know that you must get the soil right before crops can thrive. In[…]
What if visiting doctors and taking medications were a thing of the past? You wake up and your brain fog has cleared. You suddenly have clarity and focus. What would this mean for your life? To close your eyes every night, feeling satisfied with your achievements that day… Feeling confident and secure that tomorrow will[…]
Hint: Keep this blog handy as part of your survival kit. Get ahead of the game as Peter and I share everything that keeps us healthy, even though we ‘are under the pump’ with seeing many clients every week. These protocols will protect you during challenging times. You can pick and choose from these 21[…]
Can you relate to this? If you tick any of these boxes, I want you to meet Tracy, my client, who was such a tough case that no other specialist had been able to help her. She didn’t have a life. Perhaps you can relate to this or know somebody who is like Tracy? If[…]
Story at a glance: Supplying healthy drinking water to our communities is one of the major challenges facing the modern world. Scores of chemical toxins pollute the environment. In the US alone there were over 6500 pesticides, herbicides and fungicides used in agriculture alone in the year 1998-99. The drinking water showed a score of[…]