Hi, its Grada here and I have a few questions for you!

  • What if I could show you an effortless way to feel lighter, clearer and more energised tomorrow than you do today?
  • What if I could show you a way to ‘stop the rust’ (eg: sore lower back, aching knees, foggy brain, grumpiness) and teach you how to start feeling like a twenty-year-old again?

Would you be interested?

Mary Kay, one of my clients was not only interested, she was desperate.

“I have come to see you, because I am ageing too fast. I’m only 42 and I have stacked on 10 kg in the last couple of years. I’ve lost my mojo at work and when I wake up in the morning it feels as if I’ve been hit by a steam roller. My kids are almost grown up and off my hands, but what’s the fun of getting older if you have no energy to enjoy your spare time? I would rather be 20 and busy again. Can you help me?”

That was several years ago.

Mary Kay’s life turned around with a few of my sessions, and a simple reflexology routine I taught her to do daily.

She was amazed at how quickly her body changed.

Her metabolism went back to normal, her relationships improved and before long, she was back to her fun-loving self, able to enjoy every aspect of her life, not just her spare time.

Be like Mary Kay and give yourself the gift of my reflexology weekend workshop, soak up the healing experience, learn simple routines to promote positive energy and achieve great happiness in the simplest way possible.

It worked for me.

I was involved in a head-on collision in 2004.

My two daughters and I narrowly escaped death when an oncoming car clumsily veered onto our section on the road and we went from 80 km an hour to a sudden stop as the 2 vehicles collided.

We were lucky enough to be left with bruising, a few scars and bad whiplash.

We knew the answer: reflexology.

First, we tried a gentle massage, but that only made our pain worse … it irritated the micro tears in our muscles.

We did reflexology as a second option.

Reflexology is very gentle and precise and stimulates HEALING FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

Only ONE session did the trick for me: I woke up as new, with not a skerrick of whiplash and full of energy.

I couldn’t believe it.

It was a miracle!

Since then I have proved the power of reflexology a thousand times over, with myself and thousands of clients.

I was left paralysed in 2006 in a truck accident.

Even though I was left with ‘permanent’ injuries I am as good as gold today, largely thanks to receiving reflexology right from the word go.

Reflexology is not only great for crisis times or acute illness, it also works wonders for chronic or long-standing issues.

It helps your body to get to the root cause, often surprising people with unexpectedly fast results.

This weekend workshop is a great opportunity for you to soak up a wonderful healing and learning experience with me.

I will teach you my favourite tricks, share stories, and show you step by step how to get the best results so you return home feeling confident and empowered to make a change.

No prior learning needed.

Wear comfy clothing, bring a blankie and an open mind.

Click here to register your interest or talk to my team on 03 64283007.

Date: Saturday, 17 September 2022 & Sunday, 18 September 2022

Time: 09:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Address: 47 Wilmot Road, Forth

Investment:   $495.00 per person ($250.00 per person for refresher/repeat reflexology)

Includes: Includes manual, access to private facebook group, morning and afternoon tea & laughter!

Be ready to witness miracles!

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