As school holidays wind down and the daily routine of school approaches, you might notice your kids feeling a bit off—crabby, cranky, or under the weather.

The transition from holiday freedom to structured routines can take its toll on little bodies and minds.

Look no further than Vital All-In-One!

But first, let me explain something crucial: FOOD DOES AFFECT YOUR BRAIN.

What your kids eat plays a major role in how they feel, focus, and thrive.

Let’s dive into why nutrition matters!

Doctor David Perlmutter wrote in his famous book Grain Brain, how ALL GRAINS inflame the brain.

When your brain is inflamed, you can’t think straight, you can’t study or absorb new information easily.

You become jittery, anxious and some people even hallucinate and see ghosts or monsters.

If you are a parent and worry about your child’s personality or behaviour, please look at his or her diet first.

Do you want changes?

Start with changes at the gut level and work from the inside out, rather than from the outside in (by that I mean, behaviour modification methods etc.)

Everything your child eats has an affect on the brain.

The mind is the body and the body is the mind.

There is no separation.

And, the gut is really the first brain.

It contains more neurotransmitters than the brain.

So, here are 7 foods that are most toxic to the brain:

  1. Sugary Drinks (soft drinks as well as all fruit juices)
  2. Refined carbohydrates (breads, cakes, pizza, biscuits, lollies, sweets, etc.)
  3. Foods high in trans-fats (like canola oil and all hydrogenated vegetable oils on the supermarket shelf. Give them a wide berth!)
  4. Highly processed foods (too much sugar, trans-fats, processed salts and additives)
  5. Aspartame which literally rots your brain. It’s in 6,000 products on the market, including some prescription medicine and toothpastes. It’s really terrible stuff. Aspartame is in diet products because it is artificial sugar. Avoid it at all cost.
  6. Alcohol
  7. Fish high in Mercury. Mercury is a neurological poison which concentrates in and disrupts the brain, liver and kidneys as well as the placenta and foetus in pregnant women. This is found in Flake or shark, swordfish, tuna and mackerel. Also in dental fillings and rain water.

Every 62 seconds somebody is diagnosed with Alzheimers.

That’s the other end of the spectrum.

Will our children and grandchildren even get a chance to reach their golden years?

Professor of Psychology Jean Twenge said: “It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen (people born between 1995 and 2012) as being on the brink of the worst mental health crisis in decades.”

Americans are spending OVER 200 BILLION a year on mental health and that spending is growing unusually fast!

I, highly, recommend that you or your child/ren don’t become one of those statistics.

Throw out everything in your pantry that you can’t pronounce, plus all your grain products as well as sugary drinks, including fruit juices.

Avoid all 7 brain inflammatory foods we mentioned before.

Instead, here is how you can fortify yourself and your children:

  • Have Bone Broths.
  • Aim for eating a minimum of 3 tablespoons of good fats per day. (Coconut oil is one of the best, but butter and meat fats are good too; as are avocado oil and macadamia nut oils.)
  • Eat oily fish like sardines.
  • Have activated nuts and dark berries when you are hungry.
  • Eat full cream and full fat products.
  • Introduce Fermented Foods – like Love Your Guts OR learn to make your own.


Our grandchildren love it and thrive on it.

Vital All-In-One is almost too good to believe!

It is an easily absorbable, blended powder made of nutrient dense greens, vegetables, high nutrient fruits, herbs, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and fibre.

These work synergistically to help in the improvement of general well-being.

This vegan and predominantly food-based formula allows for easy absorption and making it suitable for all ages.

Just good food that mixes into water and tastes great.

What more can I say?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

You can drink it in water or mix in a smoothie.

For real little kids, put it in a syringe and squirt it in their mouth like a medicine.

They soon get used to it.

The greens in the Vital All-In-One act as a mercury detoxer, so it has a rejuvenating affect on the body.

It’s also great for people who are doing chemotherapy and radiation, because it’s really a blood tonic as well.

Alternatively, call us on 03 6428 3007 to order by phone – we are open Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays; 9 AM to 5 PM.

Last but not least, during a healing/consultation, we can reset your child’s immune system, clear allergies and irritations and bring out there best!

You will have your child back.

We have treated 1000’s of children, with great results.

Ring our friendly receptionists to discuss your needs on 03 6428 3007 OR click here to make an appointment with Grada or Pete.

Much love,

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