Picture this…

It’s late afternoon I am with my last client “Carla.”

I am listening to her words with one ear and hearing her body’s story with the other.

“I look after my children, run a business from home and have recently been given a promotion at work,” I hear her say.

I have started to notice quite a lot of stuck energy in between her shoulder blades at the back of her body.

“Everyone thinks I am quite gregarious. Give me a glass of wine and I am the life of the party!” Carla continues. 

Her body sends me a different signal.

Something like this … “I can’t remember the last time I felt alive and happy.”

“How old are you right now?” I subtly steer the conversation into a different direction.

“I turned 45 last month.”

“How long have you had that pain between your shoulder blades?” I ask.

“What pain?” Carla sighs, suddenly slumping over somewhat.

I allow a few moments of silence.

Finally, she admits that she got a heavy dull feeling in her upper back after her girlfriend died a few years ago.

She ignored the new layer of pain and stress, putting it down to middle age.

She did see the doctor but passed the medical tests with flying colours.

She was given an antidepressant to tie her over, but she declined, choosing to focus on hubby, career and the kids instead.

“How did you know my shoulders ached?” She asks me

I can tell she is close to tears.

“I have been doing this work for a long time! I am receiving a lot of information from your body right now. When was the last time you felt truly happy?” I end up asking her.

“Probably when I was 16 or so. A long time ago. Too long”.

Carla suddenly recognises the real reality of her life and now the tears are unstoppable.

“Such a waste of time, when I could have been happy. Instead I have been busy keeping it together, and for what?”  she says, blowing her nose and wiping her eyes.

I am relieved the waterworks are now unstoppable.

Her body’s silent cry is getting an outlet before it is too late.

There are no shortcuts from pain and trauma to happiness and success.

We must dive in and work through it.

“How do you manage to keep going, with so much stress in your body?” I now ask Carla.

“I stuff everything that’s happened to me in a box, shut the lid and throw the key away.” Carla replies.

Now she is getting really worked up, which I take as a good sign.

“My first husband cheated on me. My stepbrother abused me when I was 7 or 8 and every reminder of those two men goes into the same box. I never open the lid if I can help it. Christmas is a bad time, because I might bump into my relatives. And since the death of my best friend, I don’t feel anything at all. I have no emotions. No sadness, no happiness, no excitement. I am married to a wonderful man and treat him so cold. I have nothing to give anymore. I love my children and would do anything for them of course. But I can barely cope with them either”.

I can feel the bleakness of her situation.

I wouldn’t like to have been her psychologist or counsellor and having to coach and psychoanalyse her through this personal crisis.

Thankfully, I work completely different.

I know that her energy has flatlined and that I can help her release blocked energy very quickly.

I assure Carla that she won’t have to relive any painful scenarios from the past, and that we will be making huge energy shifts over the next few sessions.

People think that the best way to stay ahead of disease is to visit a doctor for regular check-ups.

Or to see a financial advisor to bolster their finances.

But, if you really want to give yourself the best chance of a happy, wealthy and healthy life you are much better off consulting someone who can see right into your subtle energy bodies like I do.

Illness, and financial setbacks ALWAYS begin in your energy bodies first!

Then they gradually condense into our physical matter or body and “suddenly” we experience a setback.

Once the issues are inside our tissues, they become much more resistant to change.

The energy block (which is usually a blocked emotion like grief, sadness, hurt, anger, disgust or fear) has now become a particle, lodged inside the atoms, molecules and subatomic particles of our body, causing us to feel old and stiff, dull and confused, or blocked, lifeless, dry or disconnected from our loved ones and unmotivated in our career or business. 

Once the emotional blockage has solidified and materialised inside our bodies, it takes much more energy to shift it than it would have needed if it had been dealt with in the first place.

No-one teaches us emotional intelligence.

Our parents didn’t know how to, and the education system doesn’t teach energy work.

Many people do not heal and never fully recover from their traumas.

They simply keep going round and round in circles, from one failure or near miss to the next.

Symptoms might go for a while, only to reappear with a vengeance like today’s client Carla, who had resigned herself to go through the motions of the day, without ever feeling fully alive, let alone happy.

She couldn’t remember the last time she felt inspired, creative or did something spontaneous.

It really upsets me when I see people waste the best years of their lives in pain or distress, when I can help them get positive lasting results in a truly short time.

Five minutes into the consultation, Carla gets very hot.

This is followed by an icy coldness.

I register what’s going on in her body and explain to Carla that the heat may be to do with burning away a lot of shame.

The coldness that followed is to do with a huge release of energy.

This energy can be from old, subconscious belief systems that no longer serve her, or from bacteria, Candida, or even from entities.

Entities are energy parasites that sometime lodge inside our aura.

They cause disruptions, incongruent behaviour, and ‘bad luck’.

Because I work with all layers of the subtle energy anatomy, it is easy for me to spring clean even the most damaged auras.

To clients this sometimes feels tingly all over.

That is how it feels when you get an influx of fresh, clean energy.

That is what happened with Carla.

At the end of the consultation, she looked 25 years younger and she was buzzing with energy.

The session had given her many “Aha” moments.

She had experienced deep healing, and was spinning out a little, but I showed her how to keep herself firmly grounded over the following few days, so progress would continue steadily.

“You will be surprised how positive and calm you will feel at work tomorrow.” I suggest.

Energy work is always followed by a shift in perception.

It happens without you having to do anything!

No psychoanalysing, no guessing.

What happens is that your nervous system responds to the shift in energy and it recalibrates itself to a happier, softer, more receptive being.

You are now able to connect with yourself and others in a deeper, more loving way.

Warning: Deep inner work often wakes up memories that might have been dormant for years, decades even.

We all have our personal stories that relate to many times, places and people.

We can even have memories that are not our own.

They might be from our ancestors, past lives or even as early as our own conception.

Some memories even belong to our future, offering us a warning or preparing us for a future event, like a foretelling.

Energy really has a life of its own.

And we humans are 99.9999% energy beings and only 0.0001 % physical matter.

  • Are you interested in discovering your own spiritual superpowers?
  • Do you want to change the course of your life, reduce you stress and increase your money flow?
  • Do you want to be able to have your intuition on tap?

Then come and work with me!

To book a session with me, ring 03 64283007 or to book online – click here.

To sign up for my newsletter, read past Grada Robertson Blogs OR to check out my Grada Robertson website – click here.

Click here to join my FB page (Grada Robertson), where you will be able to stay update with all my news.

Every week on Tuesday I go live at 1.45 pm on Facebook to help you feel centered, relaxed, and empowered!

Upcoming Workshops

Grada’s Holistic Reflexology Weekend Workshop

Back by Popular Demand !!

Learn safe and simple reflexology techniques that will enhance your life and create rapid positive changes.

No previous training required.

All you need is an open mind and a receptive body.

Bring a blanket and pillow.

This weekend will be a great mix of relaxing and learning new things

  • Date: Saturday, 17 September 2022 and Sunday, 18 September 2022
  • Time: 09:30 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Address: 47 Wilmot Road, Forth
  • Investment:   $495.00 per person ($250.00 per person for refresher/repeat reflexology)
  • Includes: Includes manual, access to private facebook group, morning and afternoon tea & laughter!

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