Category Archives: Grada’s Blog

Change your diet and transform your child …

Pete and I have been seeing a lot of children for ‘diagnostic’ sessions recently. Sometimes the child might have nightmares, continues to wet the bed, has skin rashes, been diagnosed with ADHD, is a finicky eater, has demanding or disruptive behaviours. Other times, the child might have headaches, growing pains at night, allergies or asthma.[…]

What is NOT self-compassion ?

What is NOT self-compassion ? So what is it then? Self-compassion is love in the midst of our own suffering. This suffering could be around emotional anguish, physical pain, stress, depression, anxiety, cravings, self-sabotaging, trauma, grief, loss or fear. So, there is some level of internal suffering going on and we show ourselves love, kindness[…]