Category Archives: Grada’s Blog

Are these 3 harmful foods in your cupboard, right now?

Today, I’m going to expose three harmful foods that are likely in your cupboards, right now, that could be putting a dagger through your health goals. All three foods are labelled and marketed as “health foods”. Today, I’m also, going to show you my four natural weight loss helpers. These four natural solutions are not[…]

The Missing Pieces of Health …

Have you ever had debilitating tummy issues? Meet Gina, my 19-year-old client, who was grappling with perplexing health issues. She’d been experiencing pain and discomfort after nearly every meal, to the extent that her parents believed she had an eating disorder. However, Gina was convinced that she had to be incredibly cautious with her food[…]

Beat parental burnout …

More than one million Australian children live with a parent who has depression, putting those children directly at risk of developing depression and anxiety themselves. Parenting is probably the most demanding ‘job’ in the world, and the challenges have only intensified during the last few years. As the world moves beyond the pandemic, parents are[…]