Perhaps you remember that Pete and I live in a 140-year-old house?

Over the 25 years we have lived here, we planted gardens, forests and mazes, starting from a blank canvas of bare horse and sheep paddocks.

Many of the herb and cottage gardens we planted have since gone, taken over by larger shrubs and trees, but some of the paths we put in remain.

Now there is one spot that always brings up sharp pieces of glass or bits of crockery, which we continue to pick up and put in the rubbish.

Recently, I almost cut my bare foot on another piece of sharp glass.

I suddenly realized that the original owners back in the 1880 must have used that patch as a rubbish dump.

Eventually as the decades went by, people covered it up and started taking rubbish to the tip.

However, the way the glass and crockery keep surfacing feels almost symbolic, as if the past is gently resurfacing to remind me of the lives lived here.

Did you know that Mother Nature also keeps bringing up rocks to the surface?

That’s why farmers in Australia can never say they are finished collecting rocks from their paddocks.

Rocks keep working their way to the top, from deep down, year after year.

This is something I never realized until I migrated to Tasmania.

In Holland you don’t have rocks or mountains, and the only thing farmers worry about is that their paddock can float away in the water!

I am not kidding, back in the days, farmers had to drive deep stakes in the ground to keep their patch of land anchored, to stop it from floating away in the canals and waterways.

Sometimes a piece would get adrift, and the farmer would have to go looking for it in the morning and pull it back with his barge. (These are stories I remember from my childhood).

Isn’t it fascinating how deeply nature and history intertwine, not only in the continents we live in, but also in our bodies.

As a healer I guide my clients through the hidden layers of their subconscious mind, so the issues in their tissues, the rocks and blockages can be uncovered and removed, and my clients can heal and grow.

Did you know that we are literally walking talking history books?

The stories of our ancestors, their unresolved traumas and experiences, are buried within us, often surfacing unexpectedly in our own lives.

These can manifest as patterns of pain, failure, illness, or emotional upheavals that seem to repeat themselves, despite our best efforts to move forward.

Do you find yourself facing repetitive challenges or obstacles that seem all too familiar?

Perhaps certain times of the year, or specific relationships and situations activate distress in you.

To give you an example, January has been a difficult month for me since my forties.

Just before I turned 44 in January 2006, I was critically injured as a pedestrian by a passing truck.

No sooner had my body recovered, when ‘suddenly’ just before my 46th birthday I became seriously ill with mental illness and I spent that summer in a psychiatric hospital.

Thankfully, I recovered with a combination of mind/body/spirit healing therapies.

Then in Jan 2013, I nearly died again and needed lifesaving abdominal surgery.

So January is a month when my hidden subconscious rubbish tip becomes very active, and I respond to that by ‘staying in my lane’ close to home, receiving extra healing sessions and by nurturing myself as much as I can.

I avoid distractions as much as possible and I always breathe a sigh of relief when February comes along.

Putting 2 and 2 together, it is easy to see that I suffered birth trauma, which my body suppressed until I was in my forties.

The truth is that your body can only suppress trauma imprints for so long.

As you age, particularly post-forty, your energy to repress these memories wanes, and they begin to emerge—demanding to be acknowledged and healed.

This is why addressing these “shards” from our past is crucial, not just for your well-being but for breaking cycles that may otherwise continue for generations.

Trauma imprints are not daunting when you work with a seasoned healer who can clear them skillfully.

There is no drama!

Sometimes there are a few tears, but mostly your body will be so happy to release the burden of generational or early childhood trauma, that it instantly releases this heavy energy when we work with you.

Once the layer is dissolved, it will never come back.

Yes, another layer might pop up, just like the rocks in the paddock, and this is prompting you to continue to do your internal work.

Trauma healing is an ongoing journey, but with each session, it becomes easier to feel loved, connected and peaceful.

The energy of trauma doesn’t belong in your body, and this is the reason your body keeps bringing it up.

It wants to be free from it, so more of YOU can take up space inside your body!

All your self-sabotage patterns of failure, sickness, hurt, disappointment, relationship heartbreak, neglect, money scarcity or accidents are not coincidences.

It’s your wake-up call to seek help and transform your pain into personal power.

Where is your rubbish tip?

Is it a certain month of the year, or time of the day?

Is it a relationship with a sibling or coworker?

Are you a workaholic, stuck on the hamster wheel like your parents and grandparents before you?

You simply can’t enjoy rest or a holiday, because the internal guilt eats you alive?

Or is your rubbish tip depression or anxiety?

Is there an aspect of your life that keeps tripping you up?

If you feel the weight of such patterns, book a session with me today!

At the Purple House Pete and I are dedicated to heal these deep-seated traumas.

With our extensive toolkit of healing modalities, from diet and relationship therapies to mindset, body, and energy medicine, we are committed to supporting you through your healing journey.

Don’t let your past dictate your future any longer.

Reach out to me today on 03 6428 3007.

To read more about our fascinating past in Tasmania, check out my article here

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