Fearless Food Fermentation Workshop

with Caleb Robertson (CEO of Love your Guts)

Sunday 30th January – 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM

@ 47 Wilmot Rd, Forth

$119 per person

Click here to secure your spot or call 6428 3007

Are you looking for secret recipes that procure a long and healthy life?

Caleb will hand these to you on a platter.

During this highly informative entertaining workshop, you will get a taste of foods and drinks that helped humans survive and thrive throughout history.

Fermented foods are alive with flavour and nutrition.

During the process of fermenting boring old ingredients are transformed into live-cultured foods, teeming with good bacteria and flavour.

These thriving micro-flora give your immune system a massive boost in the right direction.

These microbes protect us from the flu and other superbugs, allergies and asthma and teach our immune system how to function optimally.

Imagine having a stomach outside of your body where all the hard work of digestion was done before you even eat?

This is what fermented foods are like.

The bacteria combine with the drinks and foods and break them down for you so the nutrients are pre-released.

All your body needs do is take them straight into the cells without wasting any precious energy.

Well yes, when you consider that our society is in the grip of Burn Out.

The reality is that 1 in 2 people will experience cancer or heart failure as opposed to our ancestors.

A few centuries ago the ratio was 1 in a 100!

Could part of the reason why we have gone backwards be that we don’t consume fermented foods and drinks anymore?

Probably, when you consider that 90% of our DNA is not our own, it belongs to our microbes which mostly live in our gut.

Doesn’t it make perfect sense to make sure that these microbes have life-promoting and disease-blocking genes rather than the other way around?

Today scientists realize that we co-exist with micro-organisms.

Life is not possible without them.

We are constantly breathing in some 14000 germs and bacteria per hour.

If germs are so harmful, why aren’t we all dead?

The truth is that we need the help of bacteria and organisms to live a full life.

By eating fermented foods, you are going to receive highly concentrated forms of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and enzymes, all of which are sorely lacking in our modern diet.

(Sauerkraut has 20 times more viable vitamin C than a raw cabbage from the supermarket shelf).

The proof of the pudding is in the eating!

Join the class and see if you don’t feel better after incorporating these foods into your life like our client did.

 ‘Thank you for teaching me about Kombucha and Sauerkraut.

 I always suffered from very low energy levels, shakiness and digestive disorders and now I can think more clearly, I can go for walks, have no bloating or pain, I can travel without getting nausea and haven’t felt this good since I was a child.

I knew that life was bad before, I was always sad and miserable and now I realize how compromised my nervous system really was, and I can’t believe how good I feel and what a difference these foods make.

I will never be without some form of fermented foods ever again!’

We do not catch diseases, we build them.

We eat, drink, think and feel them into existence. 

We work hard at creating our diseases and we have to work equally hard to earn our health back.

Or do we?

Fermenting foods is easy once you know what to do and not to do and eating them is pure enjoyment.

I can think of no better way to create extra decades of good health.

If food fermentation or eating sauerkraut or kimchi is all too hard for you, simply take the first step to ‘heal and seal’ your gut by supplementing with an Immuno-Synbiotic Product or Vital-All-In-One.

These products are designed to rejuvenate tired and distressed intestines, and promote disease reversal in the shortest amount of time.

They can be taken along with a great fermented foods for optimum health.

Hope to see you there!

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