Have you heard of the adage “You are what you eat”?
I believe it’s more accurate to say, “You are what you digest and assimilate.”
Over the past 25 years, we have had the privilege of helping transform the health of thousands of clients through my wellness coaching practice.
Our clients have faced a spectrum of challenges ….
From having no energy, debilitating digestive issues, skin issues, headaches, metabolic syndrome, inability to gain or lose weight and the list goes on.
One very anorexic young woman wanting to gain weight, with a complete lack of energy that left her with no joy in life asked me six weeks later when she would stop gaining weight.
Another 28-year-old man came to with a 9-year history of uncontrollable diarrhea, returned 3 weeks later saying “I think I am cured!”
People are often told all the tests are normal, yet they know something drastically amiss.
There is a lot of conflicting information out there, and people don’t know what to believe or who to turn to for help.
When you understand the true mechanism of how your body functions you will realize that your digestive system is the central pillar of health.
It affects your overall well-being including health, wealth and happiness, relationships, and connection.
We’re made of trillions of cells.
If all those cells receive the nutrients they need to function correctly and create energy as they should, then we will work properly as a whole and experience all the energy under the sun to not just survive and begin to thrive.
1. Why stomach acid is so important
Did you know that your stomach is one of the most acidic places on earth?
In the American Civil War doctors experimented with the body of a dying soldier who had a large part of his body ripped open including a hole in his stomach. (Sorry for the graphic details).
Back then no-one really knew how our digestion worked, so these doctors experimented by placing a bone directly into this man’s stomach and watched it dissolve.
Yes, they watched it completely disappear.
The stomach is one of the most acidic places on earth.
It’s an acid bath.
I’m not sure if you have ever watched movies that involve rival drug cartels?
You may have seen them dispose of the bodies of their enemies in a bath of hydrochloric acid.
Your stomach is just like that hydrochloric acid bath.
If you had steak for dinner, you swallowed lumps of meat that literally disappeared.
They dissolved.
There are cells called parietal cells in the stomach that produce the hydrochloric acid.
I hope you understand a little bit of high school chemistry.
The pH during digestion drops or is meant to drop to between 1 and 2.
0 is acidic as you can get, 7 is neutral pH and 14 is the top end of alkaline or caustic.
If the pH doesn’t get down to less than 3 proteins aren’t broken down into amino acids which are the building blocks for new cells.
Also the bacteria and any creepy crawlies, we swallow with our food won’t be killed.
These bacteria start fermenting the food and produce gas to give us bloating, burping and reflux.
In 2019 there was a staggering 784 million people diagnosed with Gastro-oesophageal reflux worldwide.
These people would have been prescribed medications to block the production of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells.
It will stop the symptoms of burning up the gullet, but they certainly wouldn’t be able to digest proteins at all.
Lack of amino acids leads to poor eyesight, low libido, osteoporosis and other deficiency diseases, like anemia.
You get the picture.
Supplement with Betaine HCL to restore healthy stomach acid levels
2. The importance of bile flow
The stomach is the only place in the body that can withstand acid.
The small bowel needs to be a neutral pH of 7.
When the sphincter at the bottom of the stomach lets out a tiny bit of acidic food into the small intestine the gallbladder contracts and sends a gush of concentrated bile to neutralize it.
Bile is a pH of about 9 which is caustic or alkaline.
Have you ever made a volcano when you were a kid and poured vinegar on to bicarbonate of soda and watched the reaction that happened?
This is exactly the same reaction that happens or is meant to happen just outside your stomach, and it completes the digestive process.
It blows the food to smithereens into the smallest possible particles so they can be absorbed into the bloodstream by the small intestine.
Beetflow is great for supporting healthy Bile Flow, and is available on its own or part of the Ultimate Vitality Boost Pack.
Betaine HCL – 240 caps
$42.95 -
Ultimate Vitality Boost
$240.00 -
3. The role of enzymes
Some things you may not know about me….
About 50 years ago I developed intolerances to different types of food.
I was in my teens.
Socialising became very difficult.
Going out for meals for instance was impossible.
If I inadvertently ate some fish, it always wanted to swim again afterward.
I became quite isolated, alone with a degree of depression.
Then about 35 years ago I was introduced to enzymes.
By a vet mind you.
I must have reminded him of a droopy-eared bulldog by then.
He used enzymes to greatly improve the health of animals from digestive issues, fertility problems, skin issues, and even ill temper and anxiety conditions.
I decided to give them a go and take action by having one or two capsules of these enzymes with every meal.
My digestion improved rapidly to the point where I could eat anything without a problem.
My digestion became cast iron.
An unexpected benefit was that my depression lifted.
It made me wonder how much of my poor gut health had caused my earlier bouts of depression.
It had overshadowed a big part of my children’s childhood and had given Grada a hard time because I would withdraw and become emotionally unavailable.
During the last few decades as a health expert, I discovered there is a major problem in the world: a great number of people have digestive issues.
You can eat the best food around but if you don’t digest it properly your body isn’t obtaining the nutrients it requires to thrive.
That’s why I dedicate my life to helping and teaching people how to crank up their digestion so they can have the health and happiness they deserve.
To go from survival to thriving.
You need to learn everything you can to improve your digestion because every other system in your body depends on it.
It is the central pillar of overall health and happiness.
You heal from the inside out.
Did you realize that 80% of your immune system, which keeps and makes you well depends on a nice healthy gut?
90% of your serotonin, your happy hormones are produced in your gut if healthy.
It is classified as your first brain.
There are more neurotransmitters in your gut than in your brain.
So what if you don’t produce enough hydrochloric acid in your stomach?
If you are stressed, you won’t so lifestyle changes to eliminate stress can help.
Supplementing with Betaine HCL will help fire up the stomach.
What if the gush of bile doesn’t flow properly?
I have found in over 90% of my thousands of clients that this doesn’t happen and it’s even worse if you have lost your gallbladder.
But I have helped many people without a gallbladder recover better health including digestion.
Another interesting fact is that your pancreas doesn’t produce the enzyme to break down vegetables.
If you picked and ate the vegetables fresh and raw they would be full of the enzymes to help digest them, but how often do you do that these days?
So you see the importance once again of enzymes at mealtime.
With many of my clients, I conduct a Full Health Audit, which is like taking your car to the garage for a full check-up and service.
I utilize the tools of live and dried blood analysis along with urine and saliva tests.
This comprehensive approach provides immediate insights into your health, allowing us to tailor dietary and lifestyle recommendations that boost cellular energy production.
By improving your digestive health, you are setting the stage for a life filled with energy, joy, and fulfillment.
Thank you for taking the time to explore this vital topic with me.
I invite you to take the next step towards a healthier, more vibrant you by scheduling your Full Health Audit.
Together, we can turn the tide!
Call our friendly team on 03 64283007; our online shop is always open, and orders are processed on the same day.
Click here to access the online shop.
Remember, the journey to health and happiness starts in your gut.
Warm regards,
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