- Have you ever noticed swelling in your feet or ankles at the end of the day, or puffiness in your hands and wrist on waking?
- Do you experience fatigue, or discomfort that doesn’t seem to go away?
These could be signs that your lymphatic system is crying out for help.
The lymphatic system is like the drainage system of your body, responsible for removing toxins, waste, and excess fluids.
When it becomes congested, your body may react with symptoms like swollen ankles, sore and swollen hands and feet, cold limbs, bloating, chronic fatigue, body odour, and a weakened immune system.
Today, I will share with you 10 powerful strategies to detoxify and heal your hardworking lymphatic system.
1. Move It to Lose It!
Did you know your lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pump?
Unlike your blood, which relies on the heart, your lymph fluid needs YOU to move to get it flowing.
Whether it’s walking, dancing, or even bouncing on a mini trampoline (rebounding), all of these movements stimulate your lymphatic system and help flush out toxins.
Just a few minutes a day can work wonders.
And the best part?
It’s fun!
It encourages the lymph fluid to circulate and drain toxins from your tissues.
However, we sometimes see clients who are very physically active, yet their lymphatic system is still overburdened and this often means the liver is overburdened.
I will explain why in step 5.
2. Chill Out to Clean Out
Stress is one of the biggest enemies of the lymphatic system.
When you are stressed, everything constricts, including the lymphatic drainage pipes, making it harder for the lymphatic wastes to move uphill.
Stopping several times per day to do some deep breathing helps pump the lymph fluid by creating pressure in the chest.
This also calms the mind and brings you back to the present, so your body relaxes.
Walking barefoot on the grass every morning and night helps you to chill out.
You can take it one step further by imagining a drain hole at the bottom of each foot, allowing all your toxic stresses and worries to leave your body into the ground.
Just let it go.
Mother Nature loves to support us, and she will neutralize the toxic energy as soon as it hits the ground, leaving you feeling light and peaceful.
Connecting with your inner self, you will find a pool of silence.
This silence contains the blueprint for perfect health.
When you connect with this blueprint, your lymphatic system will reset itself and start to detox out of its own accord.
So find places of stillness often.
Create a sanctuary in your home, at work or outside where you can take a few moments to relax and connect in with yourself.
3. Sweat is Your Friend
Sweating is a natural way for the body to detoxify, so don’t shy away from a good sweat session!
Whether it’s a workout, a hot Epsom Salt bath, or sauna sessions, sweating is a fantastic way to push toxins into circulation, and to sweat it out through the skin.
Saunas are like a warm hug for your lymphatic system.
Pete and I like to have a sauna at least once per week.
There is no better way to detox heavy metal toxicity and other nasties than a wood fired sauna in the forest, followed by a dip in cold water.
4. The Ultimate Vitality Boost contains 4 powerful supplements that get your lymphatic system back on track: Beetflow, Omnizyme, Immuno-Synbiotic and Iodine.
Download our free e-book here to see how it packs a punch.
Basically, Beetflow starts to get your bile flowing, so the liver ducts begin to clear out, and seeing your liver is 80% lymphatic tissue, this kickstarts the process of cleaning up inside your body.
Omnizyme is a complete Enzyme mixture that you need to mop up debris and rubbish.
Omnizyme also helps your body to turn food into absorbable nutrients ready for your body to assimilate. It helps to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Immuno-Synbiotic heals and seals your gut and re-seeds your Microbiome with helpful beneficial bacteria.
Your Microbiome is your immune system and works with your lymphatic system to fight disease.
Iodine is needed by every cell of the body.
Iodine also kills cancer cells and other primitive cells.
Not only that, it also neutralizes toxins!
For a massive lymphatic boost, put drops of Colloidal Iodine on the webbing between the toes after your shower.
And let’s not forget castor oil packs—they work wonders for lymphatic congestion.
Apply a warm castor oil pack to your stomach or chest and let it work its magic.
Thankyou for downloading your guide! It may take a few minutes for the guide to arrive in your email, in the mean time check this out… The Ultimate Vitality Boost$240.00
Ultimate Vitality Boost$240.00
IODINE – What You Need to Know – FREE E-BOOK$0.00
Molecular Iodine Colloid Drops 3% – 10ml$37.00
BeetFlow – 180 caps (WELLNESS CLUB MEMBERS ONLY)$94.75
Omnizyme – 180 caps$63.95
5. Dry Brushing: A Quick Fix
If you’re short on time but want to give your lymphatic system a quick boost, try dry brushing.
This simple practice helps remove dead skin cells, stimulates the sweat glands, and encourages lymph flow—all in a matter of minutes.
Just use a natural bristle brush and make long, sweeping strokes towards your heart.
It’s invigorating and gives your lymphatic system the nudge it needs to move.
6. Eat Anti-inflammatory foods.
The worst foods for your body are all the yellow polyunsaturated oils found in the supermarkets, as well as margarines, most salad dressings and deep fried foods.
Also avoid processed foods and refined carbohydrates.
These unnatural foods are almost impossible to digest for your body and leave a trail of toxic destruction behind, for your lymphatic system to deal with.
Eating well doesn’t just support your lymphatic system; it helps you feel clearer, more focused, and more energetic.
7. Hydration is Key
Your lymphatic system is mostly made of water—so keep yourself well-hydrated!
Drinking purified water, or even better, sipping on lemon water throughout the day, keeps your lymph fluid moving and helps flush out toxins.
One trick I love is rehydration therapy.
Sipping warm water every 10–15 minutes during the day is a gentle but effective way to keep your lymphatic system hydrated and functioning well.
After a couple of days, you’ll notice a big difference in your energy.
On a side note, tap water can pose a big problem, because it contains fluoride, chloride and many other nasty toxins, so always make sure you use filtered water.
For more information on the water we are using in our home and clinic – Call Peter on 0428 283 007 OR watch this video on hydration.
Think of your body as a Ferrari.
You wouldn’t dream of putting polluted fuel or low quality petrol in the fuel tank, and yet when it comes to ourselves we often compromise and hope we will get away with it.
Pete and I sold one of our cars to buy a medical grade water ioniser for around $7000.
It’s one of the best decisions we have made.
Our blood is looking so much better and we have so much more clarity.
I don’t miss feeling a niggling sense of guilt everytime I had a glass of water.
Now my kids come and fill up their water bottles and we allow our insides to luxuriate in the best water available.
Nothing is more important than clean water so check out our water ioniser here.
8. Dress for Lymphatic Success
What you wear can affect your lymphatic flow.
Tight-fitting clothes, especially bras with underwires, can restrict the flow of lymph.
In fact, some studies show that wearing underwire bras 24/7 increases your risk of breast cancer by a whopping 100%!
Also ditch plastic clothes like polyester garments.
They suffocate the cells of your body and build up negative charge.
Always go for cotton, linen, wool, silk or other natural fibres.
9. Treatments that target the Lymphatic System.
Pete specializes in a mixture of Bowen Therapy and Lymphatic drainage points, while I uses my own technique (a mixture of reflexology and energy points on the body) to re-activate the lymph flow.
Our clients often tell us how much lighter and more energized they feel after just one session at Purple House.
They often can’t believe how quickly the swelling goes down or how much they have to pee after a session as the body begins to detox.
The funny thing is that lymphatic drainage works even over the phone.
Some of my remote clients have to put the phone down during the session because their ‘bladder is bursting’ and they need to rush to the toilet, which always gives us a good laugh.
It’s a happy feeling when the body remembers how to function optimally.
10. Support Your Liver
Your liver is the big powerhouse of the body, and its especially key to a healthy lymphatic system.
In the same way that your heart pumps the blood around the body, the liver keeps the lymph moving, all be in a much slower fashion than your blood.
Did you know that your liver filters your entire blood volume (4 to 6 liters) every 3 minutes?
That is faster than a commercial dishwasher.
So give your hard working liver some credit and appreciation and give it the occasional liver cleanse.
Many of our clients have done the old-fashioned liver cleanse, which involves drinking grapefruit juice/Epsom salts/ olive oil overnight. (recipe available on request).
However, you must set aside a few days to recover, and I have a much easier option for you that works almost as well.
It involves our most popular supplement: Beetflow capsules.
Let’s say you do a liver cleanse one Saturday.
- You skip breakfast or have a light breakfast.
- At 10 a.m you take 2 Beetflow with a glass of water.
- At 10.30 a.m you have 2 more Beetflow with a glass of water
- Repeat this every 30 minutes until 12 p.m and then continue the day as normal.
This gives your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system a chance to boot out the rubbish.
Remember, if your liver is backed up, your lymphatic system has to work harder—so taking care of your liver is essential.
Cellular Health is Everything
Pete specializes in cellular health.
After all, you are like an island of trillions of individual cells all working together to give you the best life.
If disorganisation sets in, your health begins to slip through your fingers.
Book in for a Full Health Audit to take a look under the bonnet and see what your cells are doing today.
When you take care of your lymphatic system, you’re not just clearing out toxins—you’re healing your body at the cellular level.
Oxygen and nutrients are delivered to your cells more effectively, while waste products are removed, leaving you feeling energized, lighter, and ready to take on life.
Your Lymphatic System is the Tree of Life
Think of your lymphatic system like a tree.
The trunk of this tree is in your chest, and its branches extend to your head, while the roots reach down to your toes.
Keeping this system clear and flowing is one of the most important things you can do for your health.
Without it, toxins accumulate, and over time, this can lead to chronic issues, low energy, and even disease.
If you’ve been feeling sluggish, tired, or you’ve noticed swelling or discomfort, it’s a sign your lymphatic system needs attention.
If you’re ready to give your lymphatic system the care it needs, give us a call at 03 64283007 to book a session or visit our website to schedule an appointment.
Don’t wait until your lymphatic system is in crisis—take charge now and feel the difference!
If you found this helpful, please share it with friends and loved ones who might benefit from giving their lymphatic system a little extra care.
We’re all about helping as many people as possible live lighter, healthier, and happier lives!
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
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